

Two of the most obvious signs of aging are dark circles under the eyes and under-eye bags. Both are difficult to camouflage with makeup and, in fact, they often look worse after makeup is applied. There are many things that can cause a build-up of fluid under the eye. Colds, seas...

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Considering a face lift?

There comes a time in everyone's life when the face starts to show the signs of wear and tear from too much sun, scars, deep wrinkles or just the passing of years. Make-up is used, more heavily each year, but it has come to the point where it does absolutely nothing for cov...

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Chin implant surgery skyrockets in US

Cosmetic surgery to make the chin look more prominent has soared in popularity in the course of a year, making it the fastest growing trend among men and women, US plastic surgeons said Monday.Chin implants are particularly popular among those over 40, according to a report by...

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Chin implant surgery skyrockets in US

Cosmetic surgery to make the chin look more prominent has soared in popularity in the course of a year, making it the fastest growing trend among men and women, US plastic surgeons said Monday.Chin implants are particularly popular among those over 40, according to a report by th...

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